Agathi-Sesbania Grandiflora

Agathi-Sesbania Grandiflora

Agathi-Sesbania Grandiflora

Agathi leaves have been used extensively in Ayurveda for treating several ailments including migraine, sinusitis, fever and respiratory. The leaves possess powerful anthelmintic, diuretic and laxative property. The flowers are valuable in curing headache, night blindness and cataracts. Agati is a small erect quick-growing short-lived soft-wooded tree, growing up to 10 m tall. Bark is light gray, corky and deeply furrowed. All parts of this unique plant are useful and have a wide spectrum of medicinal properties.

The plant has various uses in folk and traditional medicines for headache. The red and white flowers are used as vegetables while the yellow and blue are mostly used in medicines.

Uses of Sesbania grandiflora:

  • It can be used in detoxification of the body, if there is chronic toxicity due to improper dietary patterns over a period of time.
  • The flowers of the plant have a bitter taste and an astringent action on the body. It can be used in intermittent fever, night blindness.
  • The leaves prove to be helpful in worm infestations and bleeding disorders like menorrhagia and ulcerative colitis. These also possess tonic properties for the body.
  • Agastya fruits are very helpful in pacifying pitta dosha. It aids in weight loss and helps to manage abdominal tumors. These also help in improving memory and intelligence